Track Game in the city: Anvers, Bruges, Bruxelles, Gand, Louvain, Liège,…

Track Game in the city: Anvers, Bruges, Bruxelles, Gand, Louvain, Liège,…

Track Game in the city

Anvers, Bruges, Bruxelles, Gand, Louvain, Liège,…

During the track game in the city, your group is divided in several small teams. They take a questionnaire and a map and can discover the most beautiful corners of the city in a pleasant way.

We have a Track Game in every big city in Belgium and in several small cities like Damme and Saint-Trond too.

The Track Game in Bruges can take a complete day if you add the Treasure-hunting in Damme. The Track Game in Saint-Tronc can be completed with the “Haspengouw” Trophy.

Practical info:

  • Duration: an half day.
  • Location: Cities mentioned above.
  • Participants: from 10 people.
  • Period: all year.


Team factor




Physical effort
